Our services

Expert services for complex regulatory hurdles

What we offer

Key services

  • Stakeholder Consultation

    Navigate complex regulatory environments with the help of a team that’s been doing so successfully for decades.

  • Advanced Simulation & Predictive Modeling

    Proactively manage noise in the design stage to prevent noise complaints, avoid high retrofit costs and minimize the risk of costly legal fees and regulatory delays.

  • Complaint Investigation & Resolution

    Move quickly and effectively to resolve complaints, improve community relations and find solutions that satisfy every stakeholder.

  • Procurement & Installation

    Get the right equipment, installed correctly, at the lowest cost, to ensure you’re always in compliance with local regulations.

  • Noise Impact Assessments

    Understand the impact of noise and vibration on people, structures and the environment, including the cumulative impact of multiple sources.

  • Vibration Impact Assessments

    Get information on the vibrations caused by your operations and how they impact people, structures and the environment.

  • Light Impact Assessments

    Assess glare, light trespass, and light pollution to ensure your project is compliant with local regulations.

Our primary areas of focus

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Our expert network is available to help you manage emissions, minimize costs and mitigate risks. Contact us to learn more.

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